NinerNet Communications™
Internet Hosting Services
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About us

NinerNet Communications has been in the hosting business since 1996, operating for the first two years as Wow Marketing (usually styled "WOW! M@rketing"), primarily a web design firm with adjunct hosting operations. In 1998 we changed our name to NinerNet Communications, with an eye on the burgeoning development of the Internet as a communications medium and our own rôle as an increasingly hosting-oriented company facilitating communications.

Our strengths lie in our reliability (not just from a technical point-of-view, but also from the point-of-view of keeping our word), our attention to detail, and our personal service. We know what it's like to be a client, and we treat you as we would like to be treated. Our hosting plans reflect this philosophy, giving you the tools you need to accomplish your goals without forcing you to take on features and resources that you simply don't need. Our philosophy is diametrically-opposed to the "stack 'em deep and sell 'em cheap" mentality that drives not only the massive and impersonal hosting companies out there, but also their wannabe copycats.

We host our servers in high-quality data centres. What does "high-quality" mean? It includes items such as the following:Our servers are housed in data centres in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands and Zambia. Hosting in multiple data centres gives our network redundancy and survivability, and allows us to host clients in a physical location that may make more sense to their needs. That said, with clients around the world (mostly in Africa, North America, Europe and Australia), we consistently manage to meet -- and exceed -- our clients' expectations.

Our name

Our name is based on the spoken word for the number nine used in radiotelephony: "niner". It rhymes with "miner", not "dinner" or "meaner". NinerNet. It rolls right off the tongue.

Although the first domain we registered for the company (after was and it remains our primary domain (we've since registered all appropriate gTLD and many ccTLD variations of ninernet.* to avoid confusion), our company name is both written and pronounced without the "dot". So it's pronounced "niner net", not "niner dot net"; and it's written NinerNet, not "Niner.Net".

Our company name is also our trademark.
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Since 1996!

... thank you so much for all your attention to detail!! --VirgoDesign, Canada