NinerNet Communications™
Internet Hosting Services
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Zambian hosting

Thank-you for your interest in our professionally-managed hosting services. We look forward to serving your hosting needs and exceeding your expectations, as we have done for many happy clients since 1996. To the best of our knowledge, NinerNet is the only Zambian company dedicated to providing professional web and email hosting services. (Source: Our competitors are mostly the handful of large ISPs who offer hosting in addition to their core activity of providing Internet access, and web designers who resell the hosting services of big American and British hosting companies. We run our own servers, and we're focused on hosting.

Your goals are our goals. We want to make getting on the Internet hassle-free, quick, and reasonably priced for you. You want more reliable email service; you want your email to get to its destination without delay or hindrance; you also, of course, want your incoming email to be delivered to you within seconds of it being sent to you. These are reasonable expectations, but expectations that are not being met by many providers in Zambia today. We can change that.

Whether you're just looking for a more professional image for your company email communications by using your own domain rather than your ISP's domain (or, even worse, a Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail address or the like), or you're looking for quicker and more reliable hosting for an existing website (along with our renowned support), or you're ready to start from scratch with a brand new website, we can get you up and running in short order.

Our rate structure is designed to allow flexibility for your future expansion, while not limiting you in the present. The vast majority of our clients choose one of the following two hosting packages, depending on whether or not they have or want a website:

ANNUAL HOSTING FEES FOR WEB AND EMAIL Hosting features: Annual domain registration included with annual payment for gTLD domains (e.g., dot-com) and some others; web-based control panel for easy management; effective spam (unsolicited commercial email) blocking and filtering; visitor statistics; scripting and databases for more complex sites; FTP access; password protection; a web-based contact form to prevent exposing your email addresses to spammers; mailing list manager; SSL for secure connections; domain management. Included disk space (3 GB) and traffic allowance (10 GB) can be increased but are more than enough for most clients.

Additional features available: Shopping carts, content management systems, newsletter managers, blogs, wikis, forums, photo galleries and other web applications, as well as extra disk space, bandwidth and email addresses. Additional domains are charged at 50%; hosting for additional domains pointing to the same website at no charge.
Set-up (one time only)K157.50
Hosting fees (K157.50 x 12 months)K1,890.00
Includes registration (with annual payment) and hosting for 1 domain, 3 GB of disk space for your website and email, 25 email accounts with unlimited forwarding addresses, and 10 GB of traffic.

ANNUAL HOSTING FEES FOR EMAIL ONLY Hosting features: Annual domain registration included with annual payment for gTLD domains (e.g., dot-com) and some others; web-based control panel for easy management; effective spam (unsolicited commercial email) blocking and filtering; mailing list manager; domain management; parking page. Included disk space (3 GB) and traffic allowance (5 GB) can be increased but are more than enough for most clients.

Additional features available: Extra disk space, bandwidth and email addresses. Additional domains are charged at 50%; hosting for additional domains pointing to the same domain at no charge.
Set-up (one time only)K157.50
Hosting fees (K105.00 x 12 months)K1,260.00
Includes registration (with annual payment) and hosting for 1 domain, 3 GB of disk space for your email, 25 email accounts with unlimited forwarding addresses, and 5 GB of traffic.

Moving your existing hosting

We have a lot of experience moving new clients from their current hosting to NinerNet. Once you make the decision to move, we implement our time-tested, step-by-step transfer procedure (a copy of which we send to you) in order to move your hosting without disruption to you, your staff or -- very importantly -- the flow of your email. We handle all of the technical details for you, and help you through certain processes that require your authorisation with domain registrars or current hosts. Don't put up with slow and unreliable email or websites any more. You don't have to. There is better service and helpful support available.

Are you in a hosting contract or have you paid ahead with your current host?

If you are either contractually obligated to keep your hosting with your current provider, or have just paid for a year's worth of hosting and can't get a refund, ask us about moving your hosting now and paying us when your current hosting is scheduled to expire. We're so sure you'll stick with us that you'll be under no obligation to pay anything if you decide otherwise.

Web design

Through our partnerships with various web design companies (both local and international), we are able to refer you to professional designers with proven track records for the creation of complete and original websites. We also have options available that are affordable even for the smallest guest houses, and our streamlined design process gets you online as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We also link to your website from our network of established websites, ensuring that your website is visible in the search engines as quickly as possible, and stays there.

Low-cost options for small businesses

We recognise the fact that there are many small businesses that cannot justify the cost of a custom-designed website right off the bat. For these businesses we offer non-custom sites based on templates that are also used for other websites. These websites look just as good as the custom-designed sites, but other websites may be using the same or a very similar design. We can set up a template-based website for you for little more than the annual hosting fees detailed above.

Manage your website yourself

Template-based websites are set up with a content management system that allows you to update your website -- the words and pictures -- through a web-based system. This will save you time and money, because you can update your website when you want, rather than paying someone else to do it on their schedule. Custom websites can also be set up using the same proven and widely-used content management system.

Other services

In addition to standard web and email hosting, we offer three new services.

Zambian domains

Tired of the paperwork, the hassles, the trips to Zamnet's offices, and having your domain deleted by Coppernet with no notice, even though they haven't billed you for a decade? Suffer no more, and register Zambian domains for far less -- only 66 pin per annum! For this you get much more reliable domain service, and a domain -- e.g., Don't settle for a dot-com with "zambia" tacked on the end.

Online/offsite back-up

Simply put, this will run back-ups in the background on your computer or server, encrypt and compress them, and then upload them to secure servers off-site. You control what's backed up, and you can manage the back-ups of all of the computers in your company or organisation. It's not difficult to convince people these days that they need to back up their data, but keeping it off-site in case of a disaster that destroys any on-site back-ups is not something everyone does. Please contact us for details on this new service.

Virtual private servers

A VPS gives you all of the resources of your own dedicated server at a fraction of the cost. You have exclusive access to everything from the operating system up, while having fixed resources from the host physical server dedicated to your own virtual server. A virtual private server is useful for those companies and organisations that require greater security or resources than are available with shared hosting. Please contact us for details on this new service.

Get started today!

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.
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Since 1996!

You are always a big help. --Galaunia Farms, Zambia